Lafayette, LA
Generally pink! But lately, I have been drawn to "Royal" blue because of my little boy's name
I am a muralist & illustrator creating from the heart of Cajun Country. My work is known for embracing color, connection, & JOY! Through a combination of acrylic paint & Photoshop, I create vibrant & approachable art that celebrates the good things in life.
I love to draw and dream and connect with people and challenge myself. At some point, money started getting exchanged and I found myself a "business owner". LOL
The shrimp cake teatowel printed by Parish Ink
Definitely some solid laying in the bed binging a good show. Mixed with some one on one time with a friend and a leisurely walk around a thrift store. Also throw in some type of sweet treat for extra measure.
Owner / Artist / Maker / Creative / Dreamer
Currently…Waking up earlier than I want, changing a stinky diaper, morning cuddles with my baby. Then childcare drop off, an impulse coffee drive-through..probably with a breakfast sammie on the side. Quick walk around the block with my pup if I’m feeling on top of it. Emails, Photoshop, lunch with my hubby, load of laundry, call with a client, maybe adding a layer to a painting project laying around. Instagram scroll mixed in there. Lots of trips to the fridge for water refill (also lots of corresponding trips to the bathroom-pregnancy life!!!). Distracting Jordan from his work to help me with something house related at least 4 times (he also works from home). Abandon work—time for family and night routines.
I want to design patterns for clothes & wallpaper right now
I love to connect to other people through my artwork so public art murals and events where I meet people are highlights for me
Go with the FLOW, not against it. If I'm in "flow" and really feeling the task...I put off anything else I had planned and just ride the wave of energy while it lasts.
When I look back on my year and see I've valued my work a little more, pushed myself creatively in a new way, thoroughly enjoyed the work I did, and even charged a little more for my services--I feel like a success
“I CANT do this.” can. I promise. or send me an email for custom work quotes
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