Marissa McBride / Lafayette, LA
All the green left after a rain
Soap and other skin care products from foraged herbs and local traditional remedies
A little book on soap making I had been saving for years was noticed by a friend. Then the dangerous question “Why not try?” Many gifts and much laughter was born at that moment.
Storytelling and laughing with a table between us. Whether coffee or food shared, laughter is a must!
Owner / Artist / Maker / Creative / Crafter / Dreamer
Early morning coffee with my husband at our dinner table breaking out the notebooks to brainstorm. We have so many ideas about what we will do next! After, we get to work mixing and turning those brainstorms into something beautiful and useful for your skin.
This! Lol I am still in awe. The response and encouragement to chase this dream from friends and family as well as local patrons has been the stuff of dreams. Don’t pinch me!
Louisiana lore, our abundance of medicinal plants, a love of the outdoors and of course the feminine urge to heal others.
Notes, notes, notes…
The feeling of pure joy I get when someone says “I have been looking for this!” And I can respond “I make this!” “Here, smell…”
Ah, all of it.
Pricing, worries about craft, feelings of insecurity, then it was as if a my barriers broke. They were overflowed with encouragement and appreciation. I had to move forward. Just do the next thing! It’s worth it.
Local shops such as: Saturday’s at Moncus Park Farmer’s Market, Five Mile Eatery, Hive Market, Vermillionville (largest selection) Hilliard Museum, Magnolia Art collective, Louisiana Market shops, etc
A complete list is available on our insta page
Our Instagram account